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Megneous' Application

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Megneous' Application  Empty Megneous' Application

Post by Megneous Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:45 am

Hello Pangians,

It's me Megneous and today I will be telling you about why I should be Proven.

How long have you played on this server?
I have played since July 2013. I am not sure exactly when but it was around July last year. Therefore I have played for 8 and a half months.

Why would you become a Proven?
Besides not being the only person, I know who isn't proven, I would like to give Proven a try so that I could get an Admin or Moderator position. I would be very proud and it would mean a lot to me if I became Proven. I have also never grieved anyone or hurt their feelings. Out of my very poor memory, I believe that I have never cursed because that just isn't the kind of person I am. I am very kind and I help my friends. I have built many houses for my friends and I have also help repair Bumblebee's Jungle city because it got raided.

Why should you become a Proven?
I am a very helpful person and I am never mean to anyone. I have never raged or cursed on this or any Minecraft server. I have been playing for a very long time and I have made many fabulous friends along the way. I help rebuild and repair damage no matter how big the problem. I have also never grieved or hacked on this server or any other. I will always try my best to ensure that every one in Pangea are enjoying their experience playing on this server. Very Happy 

Anything you want to tell us?
Pangea Craft is undoubtedly the best server I have ever played on. It has very friendly staff and members, and It has a no PvP rule. I really hate PvP because it spoils all the fun in just building and enjoying yourself. Some people (Like me) are not the best at PvP. Everything about this server is awesome! I think that the staff and members that play with me are awesome too! Smile 

Megneous geek

Posts : 2
Points : 6
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-04-23
Age : 25
Location : Jurrasic Time

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